Current Sermon Series
"Until the End" - 1 Samuel 31
"What is Required". - 1 Samuel 30
"Strength in the Lord" - 1 Samuel 29-30
"The Consequences Of Sin" - 1 Samuel 27-28
"The Line" - 1 Samuel 26
"Nabal, Abigail, David and God's Plan" - 1 Samuel 25
"Honor The King" - 1 Samuel 24
"Hearing and Doing" - 1 Samuel 23
"The Lord Between Us" - 1 Samuel 20
"Good" WIns 4 Times, Saul Loses 4 Times - 1 Samuel 19
"Journey of Jealousy" - 1 Samuel 18
"The Giant Killer" - 1 Samuel 17
"The Anointed Serves The King" - 1 Samuel 16:14
"Young and Stinky" - 1 Samuel 16
"What's Better Than Sacrifice" - 1 Samuel 15
"Foolish Leadership" - 1 Samuel 14:24-52
"Bold Faith" - 1Samuel 13:16 - 14:23
"Bold Faith" - 1Samuel 13:16 - 14:23
"Not After His Heart". - 1 Samuel 13
"Conquering King" - 1 Samuel 11
"Israel's King" - 1 Samuel 10
"Lost Donkeys and Found King" - 1 Samuel 9
1 Samuel 8
"Risen Hope". Easter Sunday 2024
Returning to HIm 1 Samuel 7
"One Holy God" 1 Samuel 5-6
1 Samuel 4
"Speak Lord" - 1 Samuel 3
"Religious or Righteous" - 1Samuel 1:12-36
"Hanna's Heart and Faithful Prayer" - 1 Samuel 1-2:11
"We Believe: Response and Eternal Destiny"
"We Believe: Christ's Return"
"We Believe: Christian Living"
"What We Believe: The Church"
"We Believe - The Holy Spirit"
"Jesus Christ" - Philippians 2:1-11
Christmas Eve Sunday AM Service
"We Believe: Jesus"
"We Believe: The Human Condition"
"We Believe: Bible"
"We Believe: God"
"Worship" - Nehemiah 12
"Return to the City: Part 2" - Nehemiah 11
"Renewed Agreement" - Nehemiah 10
"Confession" - Nehemiah 9
“Returning to God’s Word” - Nehemiah 8
"Return to the City" - Nehemiah 7
"Wall Completed" - Nehemiah 6
"Persevere Through Opposition" - Nehemiah 5
Halftime - Perseverance Through Opposition" - Nehemiah 4
"Plans to Rebuild" - Nehemiah 2
"Rebuilding" - Nehemiah 3
"Nehemiah's Prayer" - Nehemiah 1
Installation Service for Pastor Noel Rathmel

Our Sundays
Sunday School 9:00am Worship 10:15am
18995 Twain Harte Dr, Twain Harte, CA, 95383
209.586.3835 | [email protected]