Trinity Video Seminary – Russia
Vitaly and Igor PetrovThe Trinity Video Seminary (TVS) was founded in 1998 as a joint effort between the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), American pastor/missionary Jim McNeill and his wife Lois, and Russian nationals Vitaly and Igor Petrov.
Taking advantage of new freedoms in Russia, its purpose was – and is – to provide theological education for evangelical pastors throughout Russia, the former Soviet republics, and Russian speakers throughout the world.
Trinity Video Seminary brings top-notch instructors from the United States, Europe and Russia to the television studio-quality classroom located south of Moscow, Russia. Students are brought in to take the course “live” to provide a more realistic setting as well as interaction between students and instructors. The course is recorded in the instructor’s native language and then, if needed, dubbed into Russian by the TVS staff.
Today, TVS’s Distance Learning Program is managed by a professional staff using state-of-the-art facilities in Kursk that include recording studios, editing and production stations, offices, meeting rooms and guest residences for visiting faculty, ministry partners, board members and other supporters of TVS. Modern technology allows TVS to rapidly disseminate Bible teaching making it possible to not only reach Russian speakers throughout the world, but to reach any language group by translating courses into their native tongue.
Since 2005, TVS has recorded on video over 1,300 hours of college-level courses, seminars, and other Biblical materials and distributed them to thousands of people in more than 25 countries of the world. These materials are being used by students at many colleges, seminaries, and Bible schools as well as by numerous churches, church associations and individuals.
The board and staff have always found ways to improvise and stretch limited resources in order to sustain the mission. Presently there are far more opportunities for TVS to spread the Word than there are resources available and TVS continues to receive additional invitations worldwide to partner with other organizations.
If you would like more information about TVS please contact Pastor Matt or Pam Kitchen.

Our Sundays
Sunday School 9:00am Worship 10:15am
18995 Twain Harte Dr, Twain Harte, CA, 95383
209.586.3835 | [email protected]